Simplify, Organize and Declutter Your Thinking— and you will see change! Simplify your thinking process. Organize your goals. Declutter your preconceived ideas. You will see change and growth in all areas of your life. It seems simple enough.
But without an objective guide to point out where your going down the same roads you’ve already tread, it’s pretty likely you’ll end up right back where you started. Your coach is a collaborator who reviews, reminds, plans, reinforces and helps you build knowledge to create your desired life.
Working with entrepreneurs, executives, sales people, and unemployed workers we’ve helped clients create more balance and flow in their professional and personal lives. Utilizing active listening, clarifying questions, role play, brainstorming and deduction we create solutions.

Simplify, Organize and Declutter Your Thinking— and you will see change! Simplify your thinking process. Organize your goals. Declutter your preconceived ideas. You will see change and growth in all areas of your life. It seems simple enough.
But without an objective guide to point out where your going down the same roads you’ve already tread, it’s pretty likely you’ll end up right back where you started. Your coach is a collaborator who reviews, reminds, plans, reinforces and helps you build knowledge to create your desired life.
Working with entrepreneurs, executives, sales people, and unemployed workers we’ve helped clients create more balance and flow in their professional and personal lives. Utilizing active listening, clarifying questions, role play, brainstorming and deduction we create solutions.

Coaching is client directed, which provides clients a chance to structure their coaching session and to focus on what they perceive to be their most pressing issues.
As we proceed in the coaching process, the goal is to help you look at your goals and life direction from a larger view point. Along the way, you see yourself as more empowered and self-directed; and thus able to effect greater change in your life more quickly.
Unleash your potential with coaching and see where you go!
$50 for a 30-minute coaching session
$65 for a 45-minute coaching session
$85 for a 60-minute coaching session
100% Satisfaction Guarantee — If you are not satisfied with your coaching experience, we will refund your unused coaching sessions
You Set The Pace — Clients set the pace of their coaching and the number of monthly appointments they feel comfortable in creating. We do not pressure you or try to upsell you to a higher plan or more sessions.
Payment — Payments are made after each session and can be made with a VIsa, Mastercard or American Express through three online payment platforms.
Income Taxes — You may be able to deduct your coaching sessions from your income taxes as a consulting expense. Please talk to your financial adviser regarding this possibility.